Importance and innovation of temperature control in plasma treatment

Wednesday, 08-28-2024
50 min

The temperature of the treatment is crucial in surface treatment with atmospheric pressure plasma. Depending on the processing purpose, heat should sometimes be avoided, and sometimes it can be effectively utilized. How does Plasmatreat achieve the control and utilization of treatment temperature?

Our Openair-Plasma® was developed and marketed as the world's first industrial atmospheric plasma system in 1995, and since then it has been developed and improved as a solution that allows everyone to use cutting-edge plasma technology. As a result, more than 10,000 systems have been installed, and our track record continues to expand.

The optimization of treatment methods for each application also supports this wide range of experience. The surface treatments required in manufacturing industries such as medical, packaging, automotive, and electronics, have some commonalities but also unique features. One of the unique and important factors is the treatment temperature.

This webinar will cover a wide range of topics, from the perspective of processing temperatures, non-standard nozzles, various treatment methods, and the strengths and application examples of newly developed plasma generators, with demonstration videos.


Webinar Topics:

  • Overview of the Openair-Plasma® lineup
  • Plasma equipment and treatment methods for applications requiring low temperatures
  • Effective high-temperature treatment applications
  • Examples of using special gases
  • Extensive application examples, including catheters, lead frames, automotive batteries, etc.


This webinar is expected to last about 50 minutes, including a Q&A session. If you have any questions about this webinar, please contact us before the webinar.


※※ Notes ※※

  1. This webinar is free, but pre-registration is required.
  2. You will receive a notification of your registration completion from "ZOOM" to the email address you provided.
  3. We may not be able to accommodate your participation request due to our circumstances. If so, we will notify you accordingly, and we appreciate your understanding.
  4. If you do not receive the above two emails, they may have been sent to your spam folder. Please check your spam folder.
  5. Before registering, please read the registration terms (in Japanese) carefully and register only if you agree.

谷関暁史| Akifumi Taniseki

テクニカルセールス アカウントマネージャー

日本プラズマトリートでは営業活動に従事。自動車業界やバッテリー業界での経験と、専門である化学的知見を基に、様々な業界のお客様にOpenair-plasma®、Plasma Plus®を活用したソリューションの提案を行う。

西山大輔| Daisuke Nishiyama

チーフサービスエンジニア/プリセールス アプリケーションエンジニア
